FDSLoadr PC Cable

Started by Voultar, July 09, 2014, 01:24:41 pm

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Does anyone have the pin-out for FDS to PC cable?

I would like to build a Famicom Disk cable, but Famicomworld has no information pertaining to this.

I just need the pinout going from DB25 to the Floppy Header on the back of the disk drive.



There's a tutorial by ericj on his website:


I think that's what you're looking for, anyway :-[


Great, thanks for the the link!

I quickly skimmed through this tutorial, and it's my own fault for not paying close enough attention.

When I saw (Famicom Ram Adapter Cable), I Immediately thought this tutorial was for creating a PC to RAM Adapter cable.

Thanks EricJ for the documenation and proper pinout.  ;D