It's here! It's here! It's finally here!

Started by maxellnormalbias, April 01, 2015, 11:18:28 pm

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April 01, 2015, 11:18:28 pm Last Edit: January 01, 2019, 06:14:42 pm by maxellnormalbias
[removed a long time ago. wish I didn't, but alas the post is gone]


Ha, nice.  Haven't watched those since college.


I used to like that website when I was 10. It was cool back then


I remember liking this when I was around 13 as well(14 years ago) I had no idea they even still made these. I remember liking strongbad techno.


Quote from: maxellnormalbias on April 05, 2015, 05:13:23 pm
What are you talking about? It's still cool! ...right?

It's wonderfully silly and bizarre, without moving into "you have to be stoned to enjoy this" territory.  I think it's pretty timeless.


I used to like watching these as well, when I was around 17 or 18, the final years at HS.  I was taking a Cisco class, and we used to watch these videos during class.  Every time we took the tests at the end of the unit, everyone tanked, including a teacher that used to sit in our classes as well.  After several months of this (tanking on the tests), my mother and father made me drop the class, but I really regret that.  The teacher was a great guy, and the class was a lot of fun.  But they were afraid it would kill my GPA, and for the rest of the year, the others that stayed in the class made fun of me about it   :'(
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