Weird Color (AV Modded Famicom)

Started by Digital, January 04, 2015, 08:35:45 am

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Hi All,

I'm from Thailand.

I hope some expert here could help. Today i bought an AV modded Famicom and when i tried it with my LCD TV it has all these weird tone colors. I tried it again with another LCD tv and the outcome is the same. The sound and picture is perfectly fine and sharp, just the color tone is off.

Maybe someone here could let me know what went wrong. Thank you.

Here is the image.


Did you contact the seller? Looks like a poor AV-mod job. Maybe a cable came off during shipping.

You can always try to clean the cart connector and cartridges (search forum on how) but dirty connectors usually gives you graphical garbage.


Some wrong value resistors in AV mod.