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NES rom info for android?

Started by jpx72, December 29, 2014, 12:01:30 am

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Is there an android app for displaying NES rom header info like mapper number, vram/wram use and such?
In Windows I use usually Nestopia, but so far none of the android emulators I downloaded provided this kind of info.
I download many different roms online through my cellphone (no time to spend time browsing on a normal PC, I write this from my cellphone too) and I want to see this info for possible cartridge use.
Has anyone seen such app yet?



December 29, 2014, 02:12:40 pm #2 Last Edit: December 29, 2014, 02:17:46 pm by MaxXimus
There is also a setting in your android device that lets you install APK's from unknown sources if you would prefer to download and install your apps from somewhere other than the play store.


Not exactly ideal but I guess you could look for a hex editor for android.


Thanks guys for the tips, shame that iNes is not free, I guess I'll try the hexeditor, although this will be a bit too hard.