WTB: Got em all!

Started by nusilver, March 17, 2015, 07:04:10 pm

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March 17, 2015, 07:04:10 pm Last Edit: March 19, 2015, 01:05:48 pm by nusilver
Hey friends! It's been a bit since I posted in the WTB forum.

Edit: I ended up getting Metal Storm for 9000 Yen on YAJ, as well as Kage, Wrecking Crew, and a couple others as well. Will share pics when they're here!


I'm not sure what you are saying you want to buy. All of them?


That's why it says "Edit." I got everything I asked for so I took them off the list :)


It's actually really handy to keep things like WTB / WTT lists intact - you can always say you got everything, but the curiosity of no knowing what those are is overwhelming :)
My for Sale / Trade thread