WTB: RGB Modded Famicom A/V

Started by Mr. Onslaught, August 09, 2015, 03:52:56 pm

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Mr. Onslaught

I realize this is a longshot, just figured I'd put a feeler out.

Also looking for the following carts:
Mario 1
Mario USA
Mario 3
Zelda 1
Rockman 3
Ninja Gaiden 2
Star Wars


How much are you willing to pay?

Also, welcome to the forum


RGB Famicoms are expensive, just a heads up!
My for Sale / Trade thread

Mr. Onslaught

Quote from: famiac on August 11, 2015, 04:48:38 am
How much are you willing to pay?

Also, welcome to the forum

Right now I have on the table an offer of AV fami (not yellowed or scuffed), BNC to SCART adapter, SCART cable, installation of the rgb board + switch, 1 dogbone, and AC adapter for 375 shipped to California. All things considered that's not a horrible price, just seeing if I could put a feeler out in case someone has one to part with instead of building one from scratch.