M-Tee's Art Shop [Pyronaut Posters for Sale]

Started by M-Tee, March 19, 2015, 06:57:06 pm

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March 19, 2015, 06:57:06 pm Last Edit: July 29, 2015, 05:25:52 pm by M-Tee

I've had these for sale a  while over at NA, but I recently read somewhere that it's difficult for new members to register there, so I figured I'd post them here too.  :P

The product: An 11" x 17" Pyronaut Promotional Poster

  • Pofessionally printed (not desktop)

  • Full bleed & trim (no white border)

  • On 100lb Gloss Text Paper

  • Crisp, High Resolution

One of the actual posters.

A detail from a test print. Final colors may vary.

The Cost: $14 each. $6 shipping Worldwide.

  • Multiple posters can be shipped together for no additional charge.

  • Paypal accepted only.

Order Here

What is Pyronaut?
Pyronaut is a new NES / FC game that I've been working on with a mighty fine fellow named Optomon. It is built upon the bare bones of a reverse-engineered CV2 engine. It is a labor of love that is four years in the making and about another year away from completion.

Who are you?
I'm the illustrator of the poster and the graphics artist for the game.

Who's shipping these?
These are being shipped by Bishop Bros. out of Utah because I don't live in the US, but the majority of fans live there. Shipments have been going out within a week of payment so far.

Who's got a poster so far?
Here's a list. If you're a numbers fan, you can check available numbering there.

Where's my money going?
Firstly, printing, packaging and shipping costs. Secondly, because I'm not shipping these myself, the distributor. Thirdly, Optomon and myself.

Do you have any other art available?
This is the first illustration that I've produced under the M-Tee monicker. If sales go well, it is the first in a series of similar posters intended  to promote homebrew NES projects (although this game does not fully fall into that category). The next poster is in progress, and is probably about three months off.

Are you available for commission?
Not at the moment. But likely will be again later in the year.

How do I order?
Fill out this form. Afterward, I'll send a paypal invoice.

Anyway, thanks for looking. And for the members who frequent both sites, sorry for the crosspost.  :-[


Order placed  ;D

I look forward to the game as well. ;)


Thanks a ton! I hope to see the poster in its new home.  :)


Muckyfingers, yours should be shipped soon. I'm just waiting to receive a tracking number from my distributor.

Also, I received an order from someone that listed Famicomworld as their reference, and haven't heard back from them via email. If you're that person, please PM or email me. Thanks!

The Hero


Its cool you are making a new game for the nes/famicom. What kind of game is it? I play mostly RPG's. my other question is what is the CV2 engine. I googled it and the only thing I get is Castlevania II game.


March 28, 2015, 07:36:25 pm #6 Last Edit: March 28, 2015, 07:46:30 pm by M-Tee
Thanks for the interest,
First, credit where credit's due: this is Optomon's project, I'm just the graphics guy.

To answer your question:
The game features entirely original:

  • concept

  • intellectual property

  • music

  • graphics

  • gameplay

However, despite having all of its assets replaced, at its core, it is a total conversion mod of Castlevania 2.

It is, hopefully, my last venture in the modding world, as the next project I've joined is a full-blown homebrew, and is expected to be publicly announced in the upcoming months.

A cross-post from the game's main thread, but here's a video of our intro:

Also, thanks, Hero. Yours and muckfingers posters have shipped. I'll PM you a tracking number through NA.  ;)


Have almost 30 of these in folks' hands already.

Here are some customer images:


Price drop if anyone's interested.

Posters are now $14 / each with $6 shipping worldwide.