SOLD:CIB very good condition Super Famicom

Started by aarkay14, August 10, 2015, 03:56:08 am

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August 10, 2015, 03:56:08 am Last Edit: August 29, 2015, 08:10:41 am by aarkay14
Up for sale - CIB very good condition Super Famicom
Can be yours for $115 + Shipping from Japan.
I will reduce the shipping cost by 50% if you opt for Surface shipping (will take 2 months to reach anywhere)

I am willing to trade this for any one of the following:
1. 1 CIB front loader NES (NTSC/PAL) with no damage to the body of the console or controllers, minimal damage to paint is OK.
2. 6 NES/Famicom Hardware (not globtop) multicarts
3. 1 Everdrive N8 NES version - no fakes please

CIB = Box + Console + Manual + 2 Controllers + AC Adaptor + mono AV cable..

Please PM me for more information.





I have an NES-001 that may meet your requirements. It is however missing the bottom internal shielding. Let me know if you're interested and I can PM pics to see if it meets your standard.


Quote from: Koop on August 17, 2015, 09:12:18 pm
I have an NES-001 that may meet your requirements. It is however missing the bottom internal shielding. Let me know if you're interested and I can PM pics to see if it meets your standard.

Heyy PMed you !

- Rama
