WTB: Lickle

Started by ronsundquist, September 26, 2015, 02:26:06 pm

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Hi, I'm new to the group, and Famicom collecting(only a few carts), but I've been collecting and playing US carts for the last 25 years.  I've been thinking of picking up little samson/lickle for Famicom. I'm having a little trouble finding what's a "good" price. Also, not sure what's official or bootleg. Could anybody give me a little guidance before I make a mistake.

Thanks for any help!


September 26, 2015, 09:10:34 pm #1 Last Edit: September 26, 2015, 09:49:13 pm by muckyfingers
It's an expensive game on the Famicom as well.

St.Jackie has one for sale at $190 (which is fair)


You can also find repros for like $30 if you look around


StJackie is a top-notch seller so I will also vouch for his copy of the game. Excellent service and products.

I strongly would advise against getting a bootleg copy, as most the bootlegs of it I see on eBay are modern-made repros designed to look similar (though not identical) to the real deal, primarily in Thailand.
So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...


I forget that the the FC has a deep history with bootlegs and I should use the terms "repro" or "reproductions" when talking about the new wave of FC games popping up on aliexpress and ebay.

Also, agreed, St.Jackie is an awesome seller.


Ebay have dried up the last year. Lots of fakes that look damn good, usually the labels are too dark or the case color isnt right. But youre gonna pay $150 for a genuine cart.


I second going with St Jackie, getting this game for 150 is gonna be tough.  175 to 200 is more realistic, even in Japan this game goes for a premium now.


Why is there such a demand for this game in Japan now, due to the price westerners are willing to pay for it?  Is this an instance where the western NES market has caused a price hike in the east?
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Why in Japan everything should be 100yen with free shipping? It's a market.
I don't buy, sell or trade at moment.
But my question is how hackers at that time were able to hack those games?(c)krzy


Game chasers and pat the nes punk probably help the interest.  alot of people are not even aware ofsome games until they hear about them on youtube.


Quote from: 80sFREAK on September 27, 2015, 07:48:30 am
Why in Japan everything should be 100yen with free shipping? It's a market.


Whoever said anything about 100 yen with free shipping?    :upsetroll:

I just asked if this was a case of market being upset due to western influence.  With this particular game, I have always felt that western influence is the reason for the price it sells at now.  Similar situation with Flintstones 2 in South America, suddenly much large price for them down there due to people from the USA and Canada paying absurd amounts for them.

If Westerners stopped giving a shit about Little Samson, I would be quite curious to see if Lickle prices remained sky high, or if they would drop considerably, though I suspect we both know the answer there.
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Yes the US NES Little Samson is a very rare and expensive cart, I believe it was rental only and has become a cult classic often talked about on YT these days.

NES collectors have been turning to the JP version for a while now as there's little to no language / differences in the two versions. 
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