Famicom RGB Mod

Started by DahrenDreamcast, October 19, 2015, 02:45:00 am

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Before I start, I'm not in a position to have this done just yet (as I understand the kits are expensive to start with) before any labour costs
(from what I know, its a tricky mod anyway)

Just wondering if anyone here does the RGB Mod...

I wouldn't mind upgrading to RGB as I really don't like the jail bars on my av famicom, but...I love the classic famicom! so, I don't want to change that either!

As of now, I'm famicom and Gameboy excusive! with a disk system to follow!

(hopefully this is going to get my going with family basic again too)
Nintendo Child <3


Quote from: DahrenDreamcast on October 19, 2015, 02:45:00 am
as I really don't like the jail bars on my av famicom

just realized that almost two 3 years have passed since we've figured out how to completely eliminate this annoying thing known as jailbars.


or at least this how-to works for me, 80sFreak and a plenty of other board members.


Thank you fami :-)

Please may I ask if anyone here would fix the jail bar issue on my famicom, please...:)

Nintendo Child <3


IIRC, you should have one already  ::)
I don't buy, sell or trade at moment.
But my question is how hackers at that time were able to hack those games?(c)krzy


I have a different one now 80's.
I missed out on your last sales thread because I didn't set up an alternative payment method in time..
Nintendo Child <3


Is RGB mod the way to go with famicom (for use on a UK CRT)
or..should I just concentrate on getting the jail bars removed...

advice is appreciated.
Nintendo Child <3


Is this on an AV modded original console?  Photos of the mod if so might help.

To a certain extent, you just have to accept the jailbars as part of the Famicom's charm I think.  My AV Famicom has hardly any, every original model one I've had have them to some extent.  If you use a CRT or turn the sharpness setting down a bit (or a lot!) on your LED, that should make it bearable.


Zmaster sold me the famicom and honesly the guy is a genuine lovely person and very helpful...I'm not knocking him. He's lovely.
He also sold me a family basic too and he's  just a genuine good guy.

I am planning to get a 14" CRT as I prefer retro on a CRT.

I've altered what you said already, and it does help..

Just, my 1st famicom, way back was off 80's Freak and it had zero jail bars...that is what I'm hoping for.

Again, Zmaster is a lovely person, I am not knocking him...
Nintendo Child <3


There is no "right" answer as far as I'm concerned.  Maybe 80sFREAK use the method he described here:


I've tried that and everything else on numerous Famicoms, it helped a little with some, others not at all, it was completely random.  The components Nintendo used changed so much between different revisions that I don't believe a universal solution to jailbars is possible.

Honestly, you could waste so much time on it that it's just not worth the effort.


I'm actually adjusting to the jail bars somewhat now.
You can't tell from this picture, but, how could I not love this!

Nintendo Child <3