Sony PVM issues

Started by Winfus, January 12, 2016, 06:16:18 am

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January 12, 2016, 06:16:18 am Last Edit: January 12, 2016, 07:58:22 am by Winfus
Hi all!

I recently AV modded my Famicom, everything works fine on my HD TV  through composite, but being a LCD the picture wasn't great. Anyway to cut a long story short-  I decided to buy a SONY PVM 1454QM from eBay. I was super excited to get it, and today it finally arrived! I plugged in my famicom using a composite to BNC adapter and....  : :'( all I get is a brief look at the game before it fades to a BRIGHT green screen. I've tested my PAL N64 through the same input and it works just fine. Am I doing something wrong or is the monitor broken?

Any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated. I can upload pictures if necessary.


P.S. I'm new here so i hope I've done all this correctly! Sorry if I haven't


Something about the Famicom's video output that the TV doesn't like perhaps?  How did you do the AV mod?


Thanks for your reply.

I followed this schematic, but used a 330ohm resistor instead of a 300ohm (photo attached below)

I don't think it's to do with the famicom as it works perfectly on multiple LCD TVs. The PVM's menus also display weirdly when the famicom is on, which leads me to believe it's the NTSC circuitry inside the  PVM?? I tried my ps3 (ntsc) on it and got a black and white signal through composite.

I've attached some photographs of what happens when i power on.


Have you pressed the LINE/RGB button on the front of the monitor? According to the manual you have to toggle it on or off depending on if you are using Composite Video or RGB.


January 13, 2016, 06:13:07 am #4 Last Edit: January 13, 2016, 03:01:31 pm by Winfus
Yep, it's on line not RGB.

Post Merge: January 13, 2016, 03:01:31 pm

So I just tried again and accidental plug ed the famicom into  'Line A out' and... BAM it works! Very odd. Leads me to believe my famicom mod isn't quite right, but then why does it work on my LCD tv? And why is it working through the line out but not line in? BIZZARE! Totally confused, but happy I've managed to get a picture.  ;D

Thank you for your replies!  :bub: