FDS Kiosk Carts vs. Famicom Station Carts

Started by aitsu124, December 17, 2016, 05:48:05 pm

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I never really paid much attention to the disk kiosks, until I recently noticed their NES-looking carts inside them. Surprisingly little information about the kiosks exists, let alone their media format, though I read that they used Master carts. How did they work, putting FDS games on carts like that? And should any be tracked down, would they work on a Famicom Station or FamicomBox?
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No one knows how they work I think. Maybe they are just a storage medium so they could easilly distribute new FDS games to stores with the Disk Writer. The cartridges wouldn't work in any other device.

I think the reason they look like NES carts is because Nintendo re-used the case mold, cartridge PCB and the NES cartridge edge connector to save money. Since these cartridges are not consumer products (for not mentioned being in the wrong region), there's no risk that they would be confused as NES carts so there's no reason to make a unique look. This is goes for Famicom Station and Box carts too.



That would make sense to me - espeiclaly as the label is so prominent and they are different with the whole front loading.

I believe the Famicom Box games are black with yellow label, and Famicom Station games gray with yellow label, I need to check.
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