WTB: Mega Drive system - Need console only

Started by launchpad, March 12, 2014, 02:24:27 pm

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Hi, I'm looking for a Sega Mega Drive system.  Would prefer a Model 1, but a Model 2 would be cool too.  I dont have to have any accessories but a couple of original controllers would be great.  Either a PAL European or NTSC Japanese system works great.

If anyone has one they're looking to sell, please let me know.



location always helps as they arnt the cheapest things to ship


Oh yeah, sorry.   :-[   

I am located in the US.


Also, be sure to read up on all the different versions.  You DO NOT want one of gimped ones so it's imperative you do a little research - we actually have information on here as I went through the same process when I found my Japanese Model 1.  Honestly, it might sound annoying but it's worth doing.  I'll try and link the info here.
My for Sale / Trade thread


Quote from: L___E___T on March 16, 2014, 09:34:41 am
You DO NOT want one of gimped ones so it's imperative you do a little research

im curious what you mean by gimped version :v

Quote from: launchpad on March 12, 2014, 02:24:27 pm
  Either a PAL European or NTSC Japanese system works great.

i don't suppose you'd be interested in a sorta scratched up US model 1?


This makes it really obvious:

There's more to it than that though - read here:

Some other details are here in the 'official' MegaDrive Appreciation Thread:

Budget comes in to it, but I'd recommend trying to find a Japanese model 1 (with the R next to the SEGA logo) if you can.
My for Sale / Trade thread


Cool.  I didn't know there were so many variants on the Mega drive and Genesis hardware.  Thanks for the heads up on all that.   :)

nurd, I appreciate the offer - but I've got plenty of scratched up Gen 1s. 

yakuza, reply sent.  thanks!


Quote from: L___E___T on March 18, 2014, 06:14:33 am
There's more to it than that though - read here:

This is a great post, you should read the whole thing.

The differences in audio are quite noticeable between the different versions and you don't have to be an audiophile to notice. I've gone through a number of these systems back when I was overclocking them for people. Personally I prefer the short motherboard model 2 over the "High Definition Graphics" model 1, but most people prefer the latter.

If you plan on using component video, especially on a modern flat screen TV, then you really have to pay attention to which model you're getting. I recommend an RGB cable and converter if you can't use a CRT.



Quote from: bogniforus on March 29, 2016, 11:06:02 pm
Did you steal their money too, THIEF!

L___E___T mentioned to you in another post, do not bump old threads that the guy posted in, just to post what amounts to a bunch of spam.  If you have been ripped off by a guy, contact one of the mods here, maybe they can help offer suggestions.  But so far (that I can see, anyways) you have contributed nothing to this forum other than spamming it.  Quite frankly, I am tired of that, and if it were up to be, you would be banned. 

I've been ripped off before too, here and there, but there is a right and also a wrong way to handle things, and you are acting in the wrong way.
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