Looking for a Retro Game supplier

Started by Kiddo, May 02, 2016, 03:15:17 pm

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Hi guys!

I'm going to fulfill a long time dream of mine and start an Online Retro Game store here in Iceland. I'm going to start small and mostly carry NES, Famicom, Mega Drive, SNES, N64 and possibly some other cartridge based systems and games. I already have a few hundred games and a few dozen systems, and I don't expect any raging sales and/or profit since I'll mostly be doing this because of the hobby side and the retro gaming community over here is small. But the biggest problem I'm facing is there is really no easy or solid way for me to replenish my stock with systems and games, seeing as I live on an island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean with a population of just 300.000 people :D

So, the first place I thought of was Famicom World, the only place on the internet I have some standing with trading and buying retro games (even though it isn't much). I guess I'm looking for some one who can easily access retro gaming systems and games both in bulk and for special orders, which I already know many of you can, and sell and ship to Iceland.

I'll probably be starting up in about 2 months time, so this wouldn't be anything happening right away, but I thought I'd throw this post on here and see if some one could help me out when the time comes.

Feel free to throw me a PM or an email if you think you can help me out :)



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