Family BASIC on NES with PowerPak?

Started by Agent13, June 30, 2018, 06:52:25 pm

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Hello all,

Is anyone here successfully using Family Basic on their NES with a PowerPak? When I try to start the program, it boots straight to a message in Japanese that has the word OFF in it. I'm assuming this has something to do with the backup switch.

Thanks in advance for any help!


Isn't the cartridge detecting the absence of keyboard?


There's a backup switch on the cartridge itself that will put you into that mode. I'm guessing the emulation has you in that state with no way of turning it off.


That's too bad. The Everdrive's mapper emulation detects it as always off which makes it usable (saving should work even if off, on just makes the batteries drain slower on the real cartridge).

I don't remember this message though and can't find it in the manual. In Nestopia neither DIP switch setting doesn't give any messages.


Hi all,

Here is a picture of the message. I have the keyboard connected through the expansion port on the bottom.


Ah yes it does indeed say "please turn the backup switch OFF". I think I've seen it before but I don't know how you make it appear.

Is it the same for normal Famibe and V3?