Play-Asia Shipment Problem Regarding Kira Night

Started by fcgamer, October 06, 2016, 02:54:15 am

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So today I received confirmation that Play-Asia sent out my order for Kirakira Star Night DX on Famicom, which I had pre-ordered back at the end of May.  Sadly, I am quite pissed off about the situation, so I sent an email to their service desk.  Please everyone, please let me know if I am being unreasonable or not, as it is nice to hear other perspectives as well on these things :)

When I made the pre-order, I had been living in a smaller city about one and a half to two hours away from my current location.  I used my (then) P.O. box address, and although I still maintain the box, the box will only be mine until the end of the year.  I could get cancel the P.O. box and get money refunded, since I almost never go down there to receive / pick up packages, but I would only be getting around $10 or $15 refund back, tops, and it just isn't worth the hassle to ruin a Saturday morning and go down there.  Due to work schedules, I cannot go there during the week, just doesn't work.

About a month ago I got a new P.O. box near my new job, and now I always ship anything I buy there, as I can stop by multiple times a day, to and from work (it is literally two minutes from my job). 

So last week I received notice about the Play-Asia order being delayed *again* until October 6th, so I thought "Yeah ole boy, you better change / update your P.O. box / address information, to avoid a two-hour trip on a Saturday to nothingsville".  So I updated the address. 

But today when I received the invoice, I saw that they shipped the game to the old address!  So I need to waste a Saturday morning to head down there anyways, the exact situation I was trying to avoid.  Yet all the other information (i.e. their shipping / delay times, etc) had been updated compared to their original invoice they had sent me in May or early June.

IMO, I updated the address a week before the order went out, it is their mistake and since a huge burden was created, I feel they should right the wrong somehow.  Am I being unreasonable?  Maybe I am, though I just value my free time quite a bit, and wasting four hours on a Saturday to fix a mistake that the company made is just a bit hard to stomach.
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Well, due to how busy companies work, this type of thing happens all the time. They rely heavily on automated systems and manual changes take time to process. Also, factor in third parties for shipping and it gets more complicated. It's not right, but i think it's the reality. 

Instead of driving down there, can you pay a small fee to have the package forwarded to your current PO box? Beats driving for two hours.