Solved: SNES uIGR not reading controller input

Started by Arkanix38, September 25, 2016, 12:50:59 am

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September 25, 2016, 12:50:59 am Last Edit: September 25, 2016, 02:54:16 am by Arkanix38
Yo, a while ago i was doing some general maintenance on my SNES and found that after, my uIGR would no longer read my controller input to change region. The uIGR and SuperCIC still set the region properly when holding the reset button but it won't read the controller input. I have double checked that my Data, Latch and Clock inputs from the controller are correct.


If the SuperCIC is working try pressing reset to change region a few times and then try the controller again after a few seconds.

Also did you add a 100nF capacitor to the uIGR VCC-GND line?


THANK YOU, somehow the uIGR locked all controller input and the multiple resets allowed me to somehow reset using the L,R,SELECT,START combination (which did not work previously). From there i used the <,^,L,R,X,A to unlock the rest of the controls.