Super Disk - Custom built disk for larger games

Started by Jerry Jenkins, October 13, 2016, 08:19:15 pm

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Jerry Jenkins

Hi guys! When i was 13, I was doing a "community rummage sale" with my band to make money for a trip, and while taking a break and looking at the stalls, I found a Famicom. It had adapters, the disk system, cables AND a whole bunch of games including Super Mario. I didn't know what it was at the time but that it looked cool. And I was right. I payed $10 for it. Score! The Cartridge part of the unit worked great, the disk system needed a belt replacement, which I got help with. I got it working and have used it ever since. I have always wanted to put a game on a disk (I know about the whole game doctor disk writer things), but I mean a gigabyte game, not 128 KB. So, my question is, would there be a way to either (1) create some kind of "super disk" or (2) format the game to use multiple disks? Please let me know when you can. I'm new to the whole forum thing. Thanks!

- Jerry
- Jerry


Probably not what you're looking for because it doesn't really use the disk drive of the FDS, but an fdsstick or FDSemu allows storage of multiple games. These devices connect via USB to your PC to download disk images on to it, and then you plug the other end into the RAM adapter where it works as a replacement for the disk drive. They are, basically, a disk drive emulator of sorts.

I'm not sure what you mean by "a gigabyte game" as no game exists. Do you mean like a hypothetical gigabyte FDS game? Don't think the famicom has the memory to handle such a beast!
I had a copy of Gimmick when I was a kid but my mother threw it out while I was in college. :(


The Super Famicom copiers had allowed one to copy larger games.  The games would be split into several disks.  Not Famicom, but similar idea as to what you are wanting to know, I think.
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Wow $10 for a Twin Famicom and a bunch of games is a really good deal! Even if the belt is broken.

I'm not sure what you are asking either though. There are no gigabyte-sized games for Famicom. Theoretically there's no limit to how many disks an FDS game can span (less than a full disk side can be loaded at a single time in memory though), but since a disk is 64 kB per side, a gigabyte-sized game would span over 1000 disks!

If you are just looking for a way to run arbitrary disk images, I'd also recommend the FDSStick. I think you need a special cable for it to work with the Twin though.

Jerry Jenkins

So, I realized what I was asking wasn't clear enough so I've decided to re-phrase my question: Is there a way to take a game like Myst per say and format it to an FDS readable file? The gigabyte part was a typo. I know that there are ways to use your computer to help make a disk copy (or something of the sort) of another game, so I was wondering if there was a way to format other such games to play on the Famicom. I know that the compatibility would be a large issue (registering what A, B and start do), but i saw DR. Chaos and in some parts you can use the D-Pad like a mouse, as in moving it across the screen. Hope this clears things up a bit!


- Jerry

(Also, it wasn't a Twin Famicom, just the disk system and original console. Did come with about 10 cartridge games and 15-17 disk games including 3D hot rally, Super Mario Bros, and Gun Smoke)
- Jerry


Unfortunately, other games like that which weren't programmed for Famicom won't work on Famicom no matter what you do, because they are completely different kinds of computers. The code just won't work. You would have to completely reprogram the game for Famicom from scratch. And the Famicom can't render polygonal 3D graphics, and a lot of other hardware restrictions, so it would be basically impossible. Sorry.  :(

Jerry Jenkins

I had a feeling. That was kind of what I meant by compatibility issues. I do have another question though: Do you think it would be a wise choice to purchase the Famicom Hyper Shot for Space Shadow or the PAX Power Glove?
- Jerry


I don't think the power glove will work on Famicom. If I remember correctly, the nes and fc use different kinds of controller ports. I think there might be adaptors though.


I have the Power Glove, and it sucks. My vote goes for the Hyper Shot gun.


There is a Famicom version of the Power Glove that you need for your Famicom. If I remember correctly, the protocol the two Poer Gloves use are different so you can't use an adapter, but don't quote me on this. But yeah everyone says the Power Glove is really bad. A pure collector item, not for playing games with.

The Hypershot seems cool, and I guess it works with all lightgun games. Maybe you know this, but anyway remember that lightguns for Famicom/NES only works on CRT TV-sets.

Quote from: Jerry Jenkins on October 14, 2016, 07:58:27 pm
it wasn't a Twin Famicom, just the disk system and original console. Did come with about 10 cartridge games and 15-17 disk games including 3D hot rally, Super Mario Bros, and Gun Smoke

Oh I see, but it was still a steal. Plus that's over 20 games total!

Jerry Jenkins

Okay, Hyper Shot it is. And yeah, I knew it worked on all light gun games. Speaking of that, anyone know of all light gun games? I know Duck Hunt, Space Shadow, Wild Gunman, but not many others. Did they make Famicom versions of all the NES Light gun games? Thanks guys, Appreciate the help!

- Jerry
- Jerry


Some are Famicom exclusive and some are NES exclusive. All the classics like Wild Gunman, Duck Hunt and Hogan's Alley were made for Famicom first, but some Japanese made games like Gumshoe, Barker Bill's Trick Shooting and The Lone Ranger are NES exclusives probably produced especially for a western market. The Lone Ranger seems to be exclusive to North America even.

Wikipedia has a good list, but I don't know if it's complete. Maybe we should create a list on the forum.

Jerry Jenkins

Should I start a new thread about accessory based Famicom games?
- Jerry


There are several lists of accessory games in the pinned list of lists thread. But I can't see one for Lightgun games I mean.