What's the best way to open NES controller plug? (Solved!)

Started by DJ, December 30, 2016, 03:49:37 pm

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I've been working on a bunch of Famicom mods, and right now I'm working on setting up individual NES style plugs on the Famicom controllers.  This'll have the benefit of letting me move the Famicom controllers to my NES as well as avoid hogging up the expansion port on the Famicom.  Controller I was a piece of cake to add a long NES cable to.  Controller II is a bit trickier, but I've got a plan of action that isolates the microphone out and will even let me use any analog microphone I like with the system.  All I need to do is get the plug open on the cord I'll be wiring to the Controller II board so I can get the microphone output to come back out the plug and into a standard audio jack I've got for it.

The only issue is, I have no idea how to open this thing without accidentally breaking it.  The best information I could find was this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siLRTIX7et8
However, this person skipped over the actual "disassemble the plug" part and I really can't seem to figure out how he managed to pry apart the plug the way he indicated.  If anyone has any advice, I would be very appreciative.


Thanks for posting this as I've been doing a similar project.  I'm trying to rewire a famicom ii conntroller to the enio on my nes. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful but I help someone else may have info that will help both of us.


I've been told that I need to press down all 4 pins simultaneously, and now I have to figure out how the heck I'm going to do that and pull it apart at the same time.

Post Merge: January 03, 2017, 10:50:02 am

I managed to MacGyver up my own solution which I think works very well.  I bent and warped and filed the teeth on a staple remover (also had to bend the back a bit so it could open wide enough) until it fit in the holes perfectly, hitting all four at once and with just one hand.  Once I figured how where to position the points, it sorta pushed itself apart.  As it stands, I'd recommend this method to anyone facing a similar problem.