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original super mario bros rom

Started by kite200, August 29, 2007, 11:59:04 pm

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all I can find is speedhacked ones, does anyone have a normal one so i can put it on my phone


Try http://www.dgemu.com/. They may have the right rom. The site requires registration, but it's a good place for dl. You can download 12.5MB per day there.




Quote from: manuel on August 30, 2007, 01:02:17 am
Try http://www.dgemu.com/. They may have the right rom. The site requires registration, but it's a good place for dl. You can download 12.5MB per day there.

That's where I go. They don't have the best FDS selection, though. Atleast in my opinion.




August 30, 2007, 09:58:46 pm #5 Last Edit: August 30, 2007, 10:16:07 pm by kite200
does anyone have it that they can just give to me, I can't find a good one, they're all hacked.


also, we should seriously just host a handfull of the most popular famicom roms on the site.

we're so small it's not like we'll get busted or anything, im talking host maybe like 50 roms tops


emurussia has it, why don't you just get it from there? They have every ROM for free, its not worth the risk losing the site if you can get everything from these guys who specialize in free ROMs.


Quote from: kite200 on August 30, 2007, 09:58:46 pm
we're so small it's not like we'll get busted or anything, im talking host maybe like 50 roms tops

No hosted roms, period. We're not as small as you think.


I didn't find a non hacked one, though I did find european ones that were non hacked

but doesn't that run at 50hz?


I get my roms from www.emuparadise.org
They're okay, they used to be better, but they still have their library of stuff and only a few popups. Most of them are automatically blocked by Adblock anyway (If you use FireFox).


JL just get us a .su domain and we're gtg

or just host the roms on our ftp