WTB: Super Wild Card DX, copiers, pirates, etc.

Started by umjammercammy, October 29, 2016, 09:49:45 am

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October 29, 2016, 09:49:45 am Last Edit: October 29, 2016, 09:58:20 am by umjammercammy
Hi everyone, I feel kinda strange for making this my first post, but I feel like you guys might be able to help.
I bought a Super Wild Card DX for SNES recently, that arrived yesterday in the mail, but unfortunately the poor thing has seen much better days. It met its end god-knows-how-long ago to a leaking battery, and the damage is pretty heartbreaking.  :'(

I rolled the dice but given my streak of luck I'm not surprised I ended up with snake eyes. It was for offer too and me being the dope I am I ended up spending more than I should've. The seller was the nicest guy ever tho.

So I guess now I'm really hoping I can find someone willing to part with a replacement, who'd be able and willing to ship to the USA. As a general side note I also have an interest in any other sorta copier and pirate stuff, which I'm sure is far too broad of a term to be useful. A new Wild Card would be tops, tho, altho I'm afraid it might be hard to come by.  :-\


Fcgamer seems to have them sometimes. I bought a copier off him once. He's a pretty nice guy to deal with. Maybe try sending him a message?


I went ahead and checked their profile and it turns out they're the same user I bought the Wild Card off of on NintendoAge.  :o  I forgot to mention earlier (and I mean honestly forgot) but I was fully aware that it was nonfunctional when I got it but I didn't expect the alkaline to have such a field day with the board. I went ahead and sent them another message regardless just in case they manage to ever find another one where they are.

I realized now tho what pirate cart I'd love to have specifically: the Japanese Mario 2/Lost Levels! I own it on disk, but unfortunately my disk system refuses to do anything but spit out Error 22s at me any time I turn it on, so having it on cart would definitely circumvent the issue. I'll update the thread title to reflect this tho.


If you don't care about having a really high quality cartridge case, aliexpress has loads of cheap famicom bootlegs. You can more than likely get lost levels cheap that way. If you go that route though make sure to ask the seller if their cartridges work with your system (whether it be official, hardware clone, or NES on a chip.)


How much did you pay for the Super Wildcard DX?

I have units like this. PM me please

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