Will this power adapter work with a super famicom

Started by Kaydenparsons97, May 15, 2017, 08:43:53 pm

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May 15, 2017, 08:43:53 pm Last Edit: May 15, 2017, 09:32:34 pm by Kaydenparsons97
It's a RadioShack adapter I have been using it for my model 1 sega genesis for over 7 years now it's specs 120v 60hz 24w DC9v 1.2A will this work on a super famicom with no big problems? thanks!



Watch the polarity. make center it's center pin NEGATIVE before attempting to use it on a Famicom or Super Famicom. Positive polarity will blow the fuse.


How do I know this? How do I tell if it is or not

Jedi Master Baiter

You should see a symbol like this on the power adapter:


So the one on the right? I have a SNES (not SFC), and that's center negative, for what it's worth.


This is the one I have is this the right center thingy lol?


That's correct,the reason why I said it will work is because a model 1 genesis and super famicom share the same polarity.


That adapter is correct. The diagram refers to the barrel plug at the end. the outside of the plug has a positive polarity while the interior is negative. That's what you want. Always be careful with Japanese vintage consoles, as negative center pin polarity is very common in Japan, whereas positive center pin polarity is common in the US due to FCC regulations regarding reducing the chance of electric shock because people are idiots and they want to make things as idiot proof as possible. 

Anyway, for the record, that power supply will safely provide power to any of the following:

Model 1 Sega MegaDrive or Genesis
Nintendo Famicom
Super Famicom
PC Engine

I'm sure you know, but just in case, NEVER use a North American NES power supply on any of the systems I mentioned above. The NES uses a AC power supply. Very bad for anything designed for DC.