Sweet Home translated rom swap issue

Started by PunkicCyborg, January 31, 2015, 02:33:28 pm

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Hey guys I'm kinda newer to this. I translated my Lagrange Point without any issue but I just got Sweet Home and wanted to drop the translated patch onto it and I'm not having any luck. I know sometimes there needs to be a little rewiring but not sure if that's the case. Here's what I have done so far.
Applied the patch with Lunar IPS
Removed header and split the rom with NES Mapper reader/rom splitter. This gives me an error saying incorrect CHR bytes  and outputs the PRG at 256k and CHR at 0kb which matches this http://bootgod.dyndns.org:7777/profile.php?id=3946
The CHR is a smaller mask rom anyways
I wrote the image to a AM27c020 eprom, compared it to the loaded file and it matches and loaded it up and I get nothing. I already checked all my soldering and traces to make sure non of the traces were messed up.
Any help or suggestions would be awesome. Lagrange Point was easy and was pretty much the same steps but worked great


Patch sometimes changes also the mapper type. And sometimes it also makes the game unplayable by real hardware. Isnt this the case?


I emailed punk about the issue, it's sorted now :D

Basically, you don't need to split the rom, as this board only has one rom chip, the other is ram. Then it's just a little rewiring and BOOM English Sweet Home.


Well got it to work thanks to the help from GohanX. Had to rewire some pins. Not sure why or how this really works and it's obvious I have a lot to learn lol. This is a birthday present for a close friend and he will be VERY happy to get it.


Hello, digging this up because I've not been successful in burning the recent translation by JMN and The Siege -- https://www.romhacking.net/translations/2853/ -- tried with two SNROM boards and M27C4001 chips, wired as described in lots of places around the internet. I can post pics if anyone asks.

I've not tried the original translation by Gaijin (seen in the photo above), so wondered if anyone else has managed to get the more recent version working?


Should work fine on any SNROM board assuming you actually desoldered the PRG ROM on the right and not the CHR RAM on the left. :P
Did you remove the iNES header, too? Using FamiROM?

Soldering for M27C4001:
Bend up pins 1, 2, 24, 30 and 31
Solder pin 2 to hole 24 (A16)
Solder pin 24 to GND (OE)
Solder pin 30 to hole 1 (A17)

Solder pin 31 to GND since PRG A18 does not exist on MMC1 SNROM boards.

Also make sure the EPROM is soldered in with the right direction.


Yes, correct chip :D

iNES header and auto split mode from nesmapper2.

This is my third ROM swap, I've done Madara and Just Bleed and all went fine (did have to recount pins and resolder Just Bleed!).

I've tried burning two ROMs, both blank checked first, both burned fine (used the cat filename.bin > etc to pad, same as previous two games).

The wiring you've listed is what I've done, but the only bit I'm unsure of is pin 24 to GND (OE), I've used pin 16 on the M27C4001. Is that correct? It's what I'd found online.

Yes, notch in EPROM is facing the right way!

Thanks for the help!


Yea, connecting pin 24 (OE) to pin 16 (GND) is perfectly fine.

I just noticed something though. Sweet Home is UOROM, not UNROM. It uses 256KB PRG ROM. UNROM can only handle 128KB.

Try doing this:
Bend up pin 6 of 74HC161
Bend up pins 9 and 10 from 74HC32
Connect pin 9 from 74HC32 to pin 2,5, or 12 of 74HC32 so all 4 are connected together.
Connect pin 11 of 74HC161 to pin 10 of 74HC32
Connect pin 8 of 74HC32 to A17 of PRG ROM (THIS PIN SHOULD BE FLOATING)


Are you sure it's UOROM?

It has SNROM on the PCB according to the bootgod DB -- http://bootgod.dyndns.org:7777/profile.php?id=3946


Reporting back: Sweet Home definitely uses an SNROM PCB, so I re-concatenated and reburned the ROM.

I also left pin 31 down, and left pin 1 up and unsoldered, which with the other directions, worked just fine with am AM27C040 IC.

Thanks for the help.