Did i fry something?

Started by Sato92, January 05, 2018, 02:52:43 am

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Hello everybody!
I have a problem with original fami 07 pcb
I wanna testing av mod. But i havent got needed resistors caps, so put the different ones on pcb, resistors was little bigger 220 and 470, and one a little bigger cap to the video out. And then i made a huuge mistake+( i solder 0.1pF cap to the 20 and 22 legs of ppu. I THINK SO.but instead, i solder the cap to 19 and 22, damn(
When i tried to test it i had nothing(obviously). Then i find my mistake. And desolder all my mod, and try it, lije it must be thru rf. And there goes terrible things for me. First of all i try to put 21 pin in place. But it breaks in half. Not a bad thing, solder it with wire alright (but DAAAMN). AND THEN i try to solder transistor to homeplace and guess what? I break the C pin. Yeah. C pin to the ground. I solder another pins, and try to put solder iron on C pin.... whats done is done( after completing this. I connected tv thru rf. Insert some pirate cartridge with thicker pcb>< hate them, but i havent got any other. Turn it on. And has a black screen with some jaggies. Nothing more. But it detects power on and cartridge i guess.

I cant connect to the sound pin for this time.

I havent got multimetr for this week.

Cpu and ppu was a little warm thru tume of working.

Can my mistake fry smth? 19 leg of ppu is /int, and connecting to cpu. Did i fry cpu then? Or ppu? Or both? Or my mistake cant fry them? Little confusing me.

And maybe ive got a black screen thru rf because of bad connection of C pin of transistor?

The mod scheme was by jpx72.
Ps: thanks, and sorry for my bad english


Buy another Famicom and ask someone more experienced to AV mod it for you.

Seems you need a little more practice before modding your own consoles.


I read it just quickly but it seems you only need new transistor...? Any PNP will do.

You can test the sound output, if it works, only the video output is bad because of the nonfunctional transistor.

Also, explain "jaggies". Do a photo.


So... I take a headphone, solder it to pin 46 and ground. Turn on with a cartridge. And hear static noise. Solder without capasitor. But i think it doesnt matter.( without cart it obviously gives me nothing.

So its dead yeah?


jpx72's mod is the simplest and easiest to do , and you do not have to desolder pin 21 from the board or transistor, just follow the jpx72 scheme and add new PNP one :)

jpx72, please edit your instructions, that it is not necessary to desolder pin 21 of CPU and near transistor to disable RF functionality , so people will not destroy theirs consoles so often :(
BTW your mod is the best of them all I did it and even my RF is with good picture quality too :) by adding one big cap eniware to the board to reduce jail bars :)


The mod is good. Its good solution if havent got transistor. Like me. But if you wanna mod console you need to be prepared, get all of resistors and caps, so its wisely to byu all of components altogether

I want to try to make mod again on this console. Because it has noise when turned on, it gives me the black screen. I dont think it is completly dead. I hope) but i really want to know, wrong pin with capacitor on the ppu fatal for the ppu and cpu? Because i just solder /int pin and/rst pin
