Famicom Output Black and White

Started by conrat4567, January 05, 2019, 04:34:49 pm

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Hi, I have modded famicom with the 3.5mm to composite video mod that until tonight was in full colour. The only thing I have changed is that it now goes into a Composite to Euro Scart Adaptor which now goes into a scart switch and then into a nice old CRT.

I have lost the ability to test it through regular Composite as none of my TVs in the house support it and the ones that do need some stupid adaptor anyway. I went in and re-soldered all of the adaptor's connections but to no avail. I know it is not the scart switch as the PS1 attached to it displays in full colour thus also proving the TV with scart is fine. I have no real need to fix immediately as the black and white image is crisp and the sound is perfect but I would like to know others thoughts.

If you have any recommendations to decent scart adaptors then I would love to see them. I am still new to this so If I am doing something wrong please be blunt otherwise it wont go through my thick skull!!  ;D

Famicom and get some!


If your SCART adapter is transcoding the composite video into RGB (unlikely but I'm not european so I don't really know), then your SCART adapter probably doesn't support NTSC video. If your SCART adapter is just passing through the composite pins on the SCART cable (more likely), then your TV is probably not compatible with NTSC chroma encoding.

Maybe a composite to HDMI converter box meant for NTSC regions would work? That might introduce some lag.


If I understand you right, you tested it on a TV you no longer have access to when the Famicom was in colour? In that case, yeah your current TV probably doesn't support NTSC colour encoding which makes the picture black and white. You could try to play around with the TV settings though and see if it can force NTSC.

Yes the adapter is likely just a pin adapter RCA->SCART. I don't think there is any gain in converting composite to RGB.

Also composite is a type of video signal and SCART is a type of plug that may carry a composite video signal. There shouldn't be any difference in using RCA or SCART plugs for composite video.


Cheers for the reply guys I will look at all options  ;D
Famicom and get some!