23 Japanese Super Famicon Games, anything worth it?

Started by brunobliss, August 05, 2019, 01:48:23 pm

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Hey guys, most of the games i have here are in Japanese, i honestly can't figure out what i have

would someone help name the games and maybe let me know how much's the lot worth ? thanks in advance


The carts all should have Id codes on them, which are searchable and will yield the names of the games. Then it's just a matter of looking up the values. Generally, a lot of SFC is worthless, a lot of shovelware imo.
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Jedi Master Baiter

Let's see...

Fushigi no Dungeon 2 (haven't played that)
Prime Goal (looks like a soccer] game)
Pilotwings (Hey! Isn't that a good game?)
Koushien 2 (baseball?)
Jumbo Ozaki: Hole in One
Mahjong Club (enough said)

Most of these look like sports games (and not the particularly sought after kinds) or mahjong (even the Konami game! ;D :'()

Anyone know what the game to the right of Bass Fishing is? There's no closeup of it. Also what's the one FC-looking game doing there? ???


Fushigi no Dungeon 2 and Pilotwings are both excellent games. They are not rare or expensive though.

The game to the right of Bass Fishing is Zen-Nihon Puroresu: Faito da Pon, a pro-wrestling game published by Masaya and developed by Japanese Natsume. Seems pretty funny.

And yeah the 23rd game is a Famicom game, not Super Famicom.
