DOSO Wireless Controller PSW-303 NEW for PSP

Started by GreatDragon, February 15, 2021, 06:41:50 am

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February 15, 2021, 06:41:50 am Last Edit: May 27, 2021, 11:50:21 pm by GreatDragon
DOSO Wireless Controller PSW-303 NEW for PSP

Doso Wireless Controller
Power cable
CD disc
Original Box
Shipping Air Mail with track number (worldwide)
300 USD Freeshipping
I always make photo 2 sides parcel in Post Office while dispatch

1) Payment system Contact in Russia
in other countries there may be other names IntelExpress, MoneyPolo or Ria
Please choose in Contact your country and city for list banks
Cost fees possible to call and clarify at the bank by phone
For sending payment
Inform the operator in the bank
Recipient of payment Name , City , Country and Phone
For sending payment in bank need your passport
For receiving payment , need number payment from receipt
Desirable in note Payment (tell operator in bank)
add description item which will shipped
Item will shipped on name payment in receipt

2) Your friend from Russia or nearby country send payment and add in note payment
Important add in note payment
a) Name item
Recipient parcel
b) Name
c) Country
d) Address or phone (possible this through forum in PM)
My feedbacks positive on forum and auctions
additional photos or questions, please messages in PM