[WANTED] Famicom console

Started by therealtboc, March 07, 2020, 01:30:28 am

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Hi all, I'm looking for a regular old Famicom. I've been wanting to get one for a while now, and am finally dipping my toes in the water.

I'm looking for one that's not yellowed much, with little wear on the controller panels and labels. I would prefer OEM power supply and RF cable/modulator if possible. If you have the original box, I'm also interested. Looking for price offers as well, as I only have a general sense of price scale for what I'm asking for.

Also interested in FDS, if you might have one. Again, looking at price offers since I only have a general sense. I'm located in the midwest USA, and can hash out details in PMs if you have an offer. Thanks!


Well I found this:


Please note that the FDS and FC are labeled as "unconfirmed" so you may want to know how to clean and repair it if needed.


Well, the OP probably wanted to buy directly from someone here rather than use any middlemen services. Anyway, I have a range of Famicoms HVC-001 that are AV modded and RGB modded, the cheapest ones are AV modded that still keep RF functionality. If you are interested then write me a PM, however I can only ship from Europe to USA after that covid-69 (or whatever it was) is over as international flights are currently suspended