Zelda no Densetsu - The Hyrule Fantasy more accurate translation

Started by Ashura Mage, July 17, 2020, 01:13:53 pm

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Ashura Mage

Ok, TLoZ on the NES was a port of the FDS version, but the music and some sound effects are slightly worse, so, I wanna translate the FDS version, but I don't know how. Yes, I already know that Jordiway already made a translation, but he put the NES text, and the FDS version has very different text from the NES. So, if someone can help me to translate the game, by sending a guide or something, I would be very grateful.

i dislike metroid 1


The translated script is out there as you already know.

The problem is the hacking which isn't simple. As discussed in the linked thread, Zelda uses most of the disk's capacity already, so fitting an accurate translation might require to expand the number of disks, or at least move more of the game to side A where there are more space (which requires knowledge in programming). It's definitely too hard for me although I can program in 6502.

I recommend asking at romhacking.net and see if anyone can help you, and give you a push in the right direction.