What is the port on the Famicom TV?

Started by Elrinth, August 11, 2020, 12:45:01 am

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August 11, 2020, 12:45:01 am Last Edit: August 11, 2020, 04:10:36 am by Elrinth
I wanna make a famicom tv controller port converter to standard NES port.

What is that port?

Maybe I can use this to connect to the port if I cut one of the pins? (I have one of these lying around @ home)

Does anyone have the pin out for the sharp famicom tv?

For famicom expansion port it is this and also normal nes is this:

Anyone have any tips for what you can do with the P2 port which has the controller with microphone etc?

Great Hierophant

I think you are going to have to trace the connections inside the TV with a multimeter and a schematic of a Famicom for guidance. I think you'd be better making dedicated controllers by using a PS/2 extension cable and wiring it onto the controller PCB.
Check out my retro gaming and computing blog : http://nerdlypleasures.blogspot.com/


This person did what your wanting to do.

I would shoot him a message and see if he can give you the pinout.


Thank you. I'll see if he kept his schematics. Seems he drew what it should be on his papers there in the background. But it's too blurry to make out from the photos.

But I also ordered a 6 pin mini din now that I saw that P2 port was 6 pin... doh...



well the port is the least of my issues right now... I have a transformer with broken copper wires which can no longer be reattached. what to do?

finding a replacement transformer might be impossible?
I don't really understand what transformer to be looking for if you listen to this guy:


You can't solder them back?

That Japanese page is very confusing because he just shows the colours of the wires, which are not consistent. Even Controller II may have a different colours (according to this). Maybe that's why the Twitter guy got a short in his Controller II, if he assumed that the wire colours are the same for both controllers.

From all of of those notes I gather that the pinout is like this (looking at the TV from the front):

C1 Controller Port Pinout (front)

 Port I               Port II

  5  4                 6  5
 3    2               4    3
    1                  2  1

P I   1: +5V, 2: CLK $4016, 3: P/S, 4: Data $4016.0, 5: GND
P II  1: +5V, 2: CLK $4017, 3: P/S, 4: Data $4017.0, 5: GND, 6: Mic $4016.2

Not sure I got it right.
For reference, the pinout of Famicom and NES controller ports are like this (also looking at console from front):

Famicom Controller Port Pinout (front)

 Port I     Port II
  _____     ______   
 |12345|   |123456|
  ¯¯ ¯¯     ¯¯  ¯¯
P I   1: +5V, 2: CLK $4016, 3: P/S, 4: Data $4016.0, 5: GND
P II  1: +5V, 2: CLK $4017, 3: P/S, 4: Data $4017.0, 5: GND, 6: Mic $4016.2

NES Controller Port Pinout (front)

 Port I               Port II
               _                            _
       GND -- |1\                   GND -- |1\
 CLK $4016 <- |27\ -- +5V     CLK $4017 <- |27\ -- +5V
       P/S <- |36| <- $4016.3       P/S <- |36| <- $4017.3
   $4016.0 -> |45| <- $4016.4   $4017.0 -> |45| <- $4017.4
               ¯¯                           ¯¯

If you don't have a spare Controller II, you could probably just wire a custom microphone circuit to the Mic pin and a NES controller port to the other pins.

Further down on the Japanese page, he says that expansion audio isn't supported on the C1, so he made an adapter to fix that. I didn't know that.


Well I managed to break the left copper thread now instead... Fail... Will try to get in touch with Sharp to see if they have some documentation on this tv.
