famiclone controller problem

Started by freako666, October 07, 2023, 11:42:59 pm

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Hi to everyone

iam new here and i have a question..

i found this console and got it for free, but some genius cut the controllers so i dont have the original ones. I got some controllers from other famiclone console but i cant figure out the righht wire combination. the colors are different. Can somebody tell me, how to identify the wires? i think that i know the GND but i tried many combinations and nothing works ;) iam an amateur in this stuff. tnx for any help


GND and +5 V can both be found easily using a multimeter (continuity test) on the console itself.

But you need to open the controller as well and use the multimeter to check which pins on the chips there each wire are connected to. A real Famicom controller uses a 4021 logic chip wired like this (compare with a 4021 data sheet to figure out the pins).

Once you know the controller's pinout you just have to figure out the console's. The controller ports should be wired like this on a real Famicom, but that clone might be using a single NOAC chip so it might be harder to figure out unless you can find the pinout of the NOAC. Since GND and +5 V are easy there are only the 3 remaining wires to figure out though, so in the worst case I guess trial-and-error might work.