FamicomBox No work all slots (solvet)

Started by gamerstechnology, October 20, 2023, 10:41:11 am

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October 20, 2023, 10:41:11 am Last Edit: November 05, 2023, 04:11:48 am by gamerstechnology
Hello! I have a problem with a famicom box, when inserting a cartridge something has happened and now half of the connectors have stopped working, it does the initial TEST but then it does not recognize the games, do you think you could help me? thank you so much!


The problem has been solved! I have managed to repair it and now all the slots work!
It has been hard work to be honest, checking tracks and voltages... the board is fine (visually and checked)
The problem was in the integrated SN74ALS541N, it has a total of 15 of these, well, leaving it on for a while I was able to detect anomalies in it, only one being responsible for not being able to read the rest of the slots, I detected that it was overheating a lot! I finally decided to change it and amazingly, EVERYTHING WORKS!!!
It has been a very great illusion!!
I hope to shed some more light on the repair of this very special machine! :jugador:  :jugador:  :jugador:  :jugador: