Dammaged disk?

Started by Loocoo, April 08, 2024, 08:53:39 am

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Got a copy of bubblebobble at a con a few days ago. Its got a line? (Looks kinda like a fold) on the disk itself. Saveable or is it sad forever?



ah my pic didnt post here it is


April 08, 2024, 02:16:19 pm #3 Last Edit: April 08, 2024, 02:23:50 pm by Skawo
Ah, yeah, sorry mate, that disk is a goner.

Supposedly there's a chance you could get the disk to uncrease itself by ironing it, but I've never tried it, and it would require re-writing the disk afterwards anyway.

Only suggestion - if it has the Bubble Bobble label, which you'd like to preserve and you DO have a way to rewrite disks, you could crack open the shell and swap the magnetic disk with one from a cheaper game.


yea that's what I feared. I don't have any spares sadly so its just gonna chill for now. how would you even open one of these? plastic tabs?


You can ram a plastic spudger in the seam on the side and it will eventually crack open.
Then you just apply a little dab of super glue to close it back up again.