Old Famicom PR

Started by featherplucknfilms, November 19, 2006, 10:44:14 pm

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November 19, 2006, 10:44:14 pm Last Edit: November 20, 2006, 08:12:31 am by JC
Here's a site with some of the mini posters they made for Famicom and FDS games.  I'm starting to try and collect these but it's hard to find the really old ones.  There are many others that aren't on this site as well though but this site has the cool really old ones. 

Also at the bottom are some old commercials that you can download in .wmv format and the very bottom has some in store video advertisements that were played in the game stores to adeertise teh FDS and the robot.  I think some of this stuff is on youtube as well but not all of it, I'm not sure, but here it is.




Those long in store videos are awesome! Never seen them before. Theyre pretty long too.


I think you're talking about the Donkey Kong Music game in the top right poster.  Don't quote me as I don't really know much and don't know if what I think I know is true but the game was never released.  I think they were developing it to be packaged with the Sharp C1 TV with a built in Famicom.  That TV ended up being packaged with the Donkey Kong Arithmatic and Jr. combo game that is now one of the rarest and most expensive games. 


November 20, 2006, 08:14:14 am #3 Last Edit: November 20, 2006, 10:49:32 am by JC
Actually that DK Jr. and Math 2 in 1 that was packaged with the C1 sells for less than $40 alone. It's not that rare. I've never seen it with the C1 or with any sort of packaging, however.


"Famulee Compuuuta, Robot-o"  :D

love it!


Crud, now everyone else knows about that site! I've known of it since like last year or so, I like to spend time looking at the AWESOME posters and video games.

And darn, even my future article (The infomercial videos) has been revealed! lol.

He was one of the first people I ever wanted to contact about things, but I can't find an e-mail address anywhere...


Quote from: FamicomJL on November 20, 2006, 11:45:28 am
Crud, now everyone else knows about that site!

You mean you were hiding it from us. :o Shame.