Best site for using Japan Yahoo auctions

Started by superfamiking, July 10, 2008, 09:19:49 am

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I have been using a site called to bid on Yahoo Japan auctions (I live in the UK)
BUT their charges are pretty steep, including fees and payment etc it normally works out about 30% more than the actual winning bid.  :o
Their service so far has been really good and fairly quick, but does anyone know of a different site that takes less in charges???

[ Super Famicom Central ] the No1 online Super Famicom community fan site!

Dr. Morbis

I didn't die - my man was stolen...



I'm in the UK too, if you PM me I can put you in touch with a British ex-pat who lives in Japan and has a sideline buying stuff on Yahoo Japan and also from shops in Tokyo. He's very cheap and friendly to deal with.


That's usually the best way to go because you can deal with them one-on-one. I have a couple friends in Japan who help me buy stuff.


Quote from: MattyD on July 11, 2008, 09:45:32 am
I'm in the UK too, if you PM me I can put you in touch with a British ex-pat who lives in Japan and has a sideline buying stuff on Yahoo Japan and also from shops in Tokyo. He's very cheap and friendly to deal with.

Thanks, that would be a real help Matty!!

and cheers about the other JSM suggestion guys, I'll give a look to that! ;D
[ Super Famicom Central ] the No1 online Super Famicom community fan site!


July 12, 2008, 02:23:54 am #6 Last Edit: July 12, 2008, 03:58:06 am by Kuvio
Wow that JSM is a fantastic website. Thanks you guys.


My only complaint so far is how long it can take to get your stuff. It's a long wait between the buy, the shipping to SMJ in Japan, the shipping from SMJ to the US, the invoice for the buy, the request for shipping from SMJ, the invoice shipping from SMJ, and the arrival of the package in the mail. They do ship from Japan, I think. Never tried that, so perhaps a lack of patience can be overcome with that option.

AB Positive

July 12, 2008, 10:55:51 am #8 Last Edit: July 12, 2008, 09:24:02 pm by AB Positive
from my dealings, I'm having the same wait with the stuff that made it to the US office... but my twin fami package got shipped from the japan office via EMS three days ago... and the stuff in the US office has been there for a week. :(

The option can be overridden at your request (the wait is due to batch shipping, they actually have to find your order out of the giant shipments they send to the US... but you save money). It's auto-stored in japan however if the package is over 3 kg (like a twin fami).

EDIT - so I come home from work... my US stuff shipped. Figures, lol.

By my counting there's about a 60% or so shot of all of my SMJ stuff arriving on the same day. 11 carts (among them rockman 4, 5, FF 2, Dorakue 2-4), a disk system, a Twin famicom with 10 carts and 4 disk system games. One of them is hopefully Zelda like it says on the label. With shipping grand total came to... $198 from Japan. Assuming everything works as stated (save the disk system 'cause that was untested and prob. needs a belt) I think they're a good way to go.

Just started the fami collection... want to finish a pulse line collection to start. :)


Hmm, that sure does seem like a lot to pay for shipping. I do suppose you ordered many things though.

So how does the intial deposit work? I understand it sets a limit by 5x the amount you deposited. But, will that money go torwards any of your purchases?


I was curious about that deposit, too. I put in enough to get me about a 12000 bidding limit. I'd assume that the money is returned to you when you wish to stop using SMJ.


AB Positive

I used a credit card but for paypal users... the amount you give is used towards your purchases... when you use it up, then they charge your paypal account the difference and so forth.

With a credit card, you don't get charged, it's simply an authorization... your 'high bid limit' heals of sorts when you've paid up completely.... so it's not like you spend 120 bucks and that's it... if you get an auction for 20 then you can bid up to 100... until you pay up for the auction, then you have $120 to bid with again. :)
Just started the fami collection... want to finish a pulse line collection to start. :)


August 08, 2008, 08:24:51 pm #13 Last Edit: August 08, 2008, 10:03:28 pm by wentle85
Quote from: AB Positive on July 12, 2008, 10:55:51 am

By my counting there's about a 60% or so shot of all of my SMJ stuff arriving on the same day. 11 carts (among them rockman 4, 5, FF 2, Dorakue 2-4), a disk system, a Twin famicom with 10 carts and 4 disk system games. One of them is hopefully Zelda like it says on the label. With shipping grand total came to... $198 from Japan. Assuming everything works as stated (save the disk system 'cause that was untested and prob. needs a belt) I think they're a good way to go.

You mean including shipping or that was the shipping cost? I just started an account with SMJ and was looking around at their auctions and was amazed at how low (and how high) some of the stuff was going for. Does anyone know how to use the search engine better? I cant figure out how to specifically look up Disk games. Their engine just looks up hardware or games and the Disks end up lumped with the hardware. When I go directly to yahoo japan disk doesn't show up anything either.

EDIT - Thanks!