Contacts at Nintendo!

Started by PatMan33, December 16, 2008, 09:57:16 pm

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OOh, I DO know someone that worked on Famicom and SMS games - I'll see just how much and what I can find out. 
I was talking to him earlier and he mentioned!  Used to work for Capcom too way back when.
My for Sale / Trade thread



Quote from: Doc on February 12, 2009, 03:27:25 pm
Unless he worked for Nintendo in the 80's, definitely not.

That would be nice but is not a requirement. Anyone who could get Famicom World in the door would be of value.


I just want to remind everyone that may get excited over L___E___T announcing he may have a contact that he may be able to use, don't 100% fully get your hopes up. As I'm sure L___E___T knows, there are times when a contact has to fully back out, in fear of leaking confidential information. That is pretty much why the older NES sites were only ever able to get interviews from companies that had folded (Color Dreams, for example,) because it's very hard to get other contacts! Either way, we thank you, L___E___T, and your contact, for any information you may be able to bring to us.


Thanks for pointing that out,  it should be cool though.  He still works in the industry but is motly freelance and does writing for Famitsu etc.

There's a good chance I could always get an anonymous (or pretend identity of sorts) interview / Q+A  for famicom stuff.  As it is now well over 20 years old I get the impression that it's not closely guarded secrets but more of a revered heritage.

Well see, he's very busy lately as we all are!
My for Sale / Trade thread


oh, oh ask them about any upcoming f-zero games plz
-FC Want List-
1. Super mario world pirate (full)
2. lol idk

other wants
1. New computer


I don't know what I can find out but that certainly isn't something I can find out.

If there was a new F zero game it will be announced, that kind of information is closely guarded I'm afraid.
I'm surprised there's not been an F Zero on DS by now though.
My for Sale / Trade thread


I'd like to know how they put games on the Virtual Console.
I mean, do they rip them from the cartridge or do they have the code still in digital form on some storage media?


I know a bit about that actually because we did all the C64 ones.  They're basically emulation in Wii code, it's just a downloadable port.

Having said that they are more accurate than most emulation because less has to be figured out, it's like translating source code I think.
That's why the codes on zelda and kid icarus don't work I guess.  I may not be spot on about that but that's as far as I know true, at least for the C64 games like boulderdash and R type.

I think all the code is in digiatl form to some degree, I expect much like a ROM dump, but I think there'sa little more to it.
I haven't really answered your question, I'll try and find out more if I can, no gurantees though of course.
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