Is there any sort of case/cover for loose carts?

Started by Romeo, December 02, 2008, 01:52:46 pm

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Quote from: Romeo on December 03, 2008, 03:06:22 pm
Satishi, wow that is impressive.
I like the neat and clean designs. How much do you charge per label (assuming you offer that service)?
Syzygy01, yes please show us some pictures, I'm interested.

Oh I don't offer a service, I just print them on legal paper and print them out myself. The original idea for the covers started with the NES cover project ( but since most Famicom players these days tends to NOT have the boxes for the original games, I made most of all my Famicom covers are customs I made myself.

However, if by some offchance you have Famicom boxes, by all means, scan them and read this:


Keep in mind I threw these together in 10 minutes and with zero budget.


Hey, not bad for a tight budget. I'd like them to fully cover the cart, though. Right now they protect the contacts but not the label, and they're not protected from top-down dust. Still neat.


You could just use a second one and put it on top to cover the whole cart.

Nice idea, Syzygy.

Those universal media cases are sweet, too.

But then, I won't need such solutions very much, beacuse I'm a "complete" collector. I like my games with boxes if possible.