Are those 2 games rare?

Started by tonev, February 02, 2011, 04:18:10 am

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A friend of mine is selling me 2 games. One of it is jewelry with @P mode ( I have never seen a 2P version of it so i think it is rare ) And the second one is a Mario hack  called Luigi's quest ( I think it is only a gfx hack )
So do you think that they are rare and should I buy them?
I am back everyone :)


'Magic Jewelry' is a Taiwanese original game; it's featured on a ton of pirate carts and is essentially a (buggy) clone of columns. If it's the original game, it's rather rare, but it its a pirate (or the unlicensed game), then it isn't.

Luigi's Quest' could be several SMB hacks: There's nothing remarkable about a homebrew cart, as anybody can make them, but if you wanted one custom-made it would cost between $25 and $50, depending on who makes it. Rarity of homebrews is a very debatable topic...


Well yes Magic Jewelry is common on multicarts but this one is 2P. So you can play like DR. Mario... 2 Players on one screen
I am back everyone :)


That'll be Magic Jewelry 2, its quite a bit rarer than the first one AFAIK.
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