A Boy And His Past

Started by ReyVGM, October 31, 2009, 10:07:23 pm

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3 years prior to A Boy And His Blob, a Japanese boy already shared an adventure with a multifaceted blob.
When you see this 1986 MSX game, called "Come on! Picot", you realize how similar it is to A Boy and His Blob... or how similar ABAHB is to Come On! Picot.

You start outside a building, where you can begin interacting with your bloby sidekick by riding it or pushing it.

The way you can make the blob interact with the environment is not by jellybeans, but by picking up certain items found on the levels.

Once you pick up an item, you can push the blob to make it roll and defeat enemies, or to morph with it to achieve invincibility.

If you stand around doing nothing, your blob pushes you around and makes you comically fall.

And what do you do when the blob is out of your reach? Well, you call it of course.

Also, the name of the hero is Jean. Jellybean. Coincidence?

Thanks to MP83 from HG101 for letting me know about this game. Here's a video of the game in action.



Interesting.  I loved A Boy and His Blob as a kid. 


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Cool I foresee an article coming at TheFlyingomlete. I still don't know how to beat A Boy and His Blob but I have gotten far. That game has amazing graphics for a NES game.