Anyone ever see this before?

Started by Pemdawg, December 23, 2012, 11:13:47 am

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December 23, 2012, 11:13:47 am Last Edit: December 23, 2012, 02:50:50 pm by Pemdawg
They must have made a cheat device for the Famicom, or someone over there had NO life whatos-ever!! :gamer:

Ithink I may have found it

Pro Action Rocky. Only one I could track down.


oh, believe me, the japanese GRIND and GRIND, when I got a copy of FF3 in a lot of games (then sold it off) this is what I was greeted with (bottom save file)

Jedi Master Baiter

On Final Fantasy II, I maxed out Guy's health (& then some). Sometimes it displayed it as "0xxx" & sometimes as "9999." I also recall it did weird things after saving. ???

But that was because he was the platoon bleeder, while Maria stayed in the back and shot arrows at everyone because I was too cheap to buy her armor because I kept losing them to temp party members (the game should let you strip them AFTER they die).

Good times. :D <- (this was only last summer) ;D