Gambare Goemon!!!

Started by Profeta Yoshitake, August 15, 2007, 07:34:48 am

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Profeta Yoshitake

Hi there, people!

Yesterday I played a little Gambare Goemon and a
nostalgic mist surrounded me, and my notepads and
papers started to levitate in front of me and behind...
the lights turned red and the walls too.
The clock stopped at two minutes to midnight an after
a while it started to rotate "counter-clockwise"...  :o
One voice, an eerie voice from nowhere started to tell
me to go back in time and to rescue the good old tech
of drawing maps of the games.
He said: "Prophet! Thou haveth to take notes of every
city where thou stood! Thou shalt draw your path for
the youngsters who cometh after..."

Well, I need your help!

Was that voice evil clone spirits from the past?
Or was it the Invisible Famicom telling me that
to beat this game it will be necessary to draw maps
of the villages and anotate the items of each shop
and the position of the stairs?
Now Playing: Dragon Ball Fusions, Yggdra Union


That post is amazing. ;D

Maps work for a LOT of games. I'm sure a map could help out.