December 27, 2024, 10:37:54 am

Anyone remember this classic?

Started by Rob64, March 14, 2009, 04:46:19 am

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I have a game for my pc, technically 2 because that's how my parents got it.

The game is Wolfenstein 3d, and also packaged with the full version of Spear of Destiny. I have the boxed set with manuals, maps, german translations, discs, etc. Now I have windows xp, and I really want to play this classic game, it was my first shooter.

Does anyone know if I could get it to work on my computer? Or if I can't, what do I need to do to play the game again.
Now you're playing with Power



Yeah use dosbox, it works like a charm. I was playing Rise Of The Triad last night  :).


I remember playing that at a friend's house way back. It was quite amusing.


( ยด_ゝ`)


If you have an xbox, there's homebrew ports of almost every popular 90s PC era FPS. They all incorporate the standard console FPS controls of left stick moves right stick aims triggers fire/jump etc. Also, they look every bit as good as you'd hope they would, and on your big screen tv at that!

Catacombs 3D
Doom II
Duke Nuken 3D
Rise of the Triad
Quake II
Quake III
Wolfenstien 3D



I can also vouch for the excellence that is DOSBox. Really helps out when you don't have Windows 95 or 3.1 :P