Other Chinese Rarities (4 in 1 Translated GB/GBC card, Final Fantasy Set)

Started by Trenton_net, January 05, 2010, 11:14:04 pm

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Hi Everyone,

Since my other thread is so huge, let me welcome you to another one. This one will contain multi-carts, game sets, and other rarities which might be sold in larger quantities and varieties in the future!

4 in 1 GB/GBC Card - Pokemon Yellow, Survival Kid Adventure, Yu-Gi-Oh 3, and Harvest moon (1+ Available @ $19)

Note: All games have been translated to Chinese with battery backup!

Final Fantasy Trilogy - FF7, FFX1, FFX2, and FFX3 (1+ Available @ $139)

Note: All games are Chinese Famicom originals. This set is in extremely limited supply! The first (and probably last) time you'll ever get all 4 games in one package - let alone if you can find them separately.

GENERAL CAUTION: All stock was purchased directly from the store(s) as new. However, we are talking China (Black market) new. That means each unit was probably assembled by hand and imperfections or defects on the case, cartridge, label, and product should be expected. Also note that Chinese sellers tend to talk out of their ass. That means, what they bill as "new", could very well be display models, test units, or whatnot (Sometimes existing save games are present). Unfortunately due to the nature of these items, it can't be helped and all items are sold AS-IS.

In addition, items that come with soft cover boxes can't be guaranteed in any kind of condition as they will become squished or damaged during transit. They can however be requested to be flattened at your request.

As always, to go a step further, although all items were purchased from a store, I will bill these as USED to be safe. They have only been played once by myself to verify they boot/work and that's it. Otherwise, they have been sitting in a box since the day they were purchased. Also, I would mention that due to the age of these products, the batteries for save games might not still hold charge.

Shipping will depend on your location. Payment can be made by PayPal.

Thanks Everyone!

NOTE: I will no longer hold items for people. Since there are many people interested in these products, I cannot wait months for payment. Please pay promptly or your item may be sold to the next person in line.



Hate to be a nuisance but I just am curious, any possible way you can get a close up shot of the manual of one of these games, maybe X1. Maybe the part that says the story, or something that shows the status screen with character names, though you'd probably have to take real good quality shots to be able to see that up close.

I'm surprised this isn't selling big or making news like FF7 if these really are ports of FFX1 and X-2 and...whatever that 3rd is :P At least if I could read the story I can see if it's taken from the X games, or if I can see the character names then I can identify if they're Chinese equivalents of FFX characters. I'm still having my doubts they're ports mainly because of the X3 existing, and since there were conveniently 3 games in the FF series on FC, and I can't see pirates going to the effort of making a third game all on their own(unless it continues from X2 due to space or something), I just can't help but still wonder if they're chinese translations of the original FF FC games or not.

Hey who knows, if you can prove it you might get lots of sales. :P Right now I think anybody who sees this like me isn't clear and also can't be too sure if they're really ports or what. Also would be interesting to see who made them, I don't see signs of Waixing or Shenzhen Nanjing's symbols anywhere.