Destiny of an emperor 1/2

Started by kirayamato, September 29, 2009, 09:16:45 pm

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Hi, does anyone have this game for NES or famicom??
And is there a famicom version though??

gundam 4 ever !!!


sign, every time i see the pages for the WTBs, it has way less comments!
gundam 4 ever !!!


Yes there were Famicom versions, I don't remember what they're called off hand. The US only got the first game, though there's been a fan translation and reproduction carts made for Destiny of an Emperor 2.

I think Capcom did a good job with this Famicom era foray into RPG's. It really feels like a nice mix of Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy with characters from the classic Chinese novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms.


lol, yeah, the novel romans of the three kindoms supposed to be a good game for RPGs, but some how people maded like a stradlegy game.

and does anyone have one??
gundam 4 ever !!!


October 02, 2009, 08:42:23 am #4 Last Edit: October 02, 2009, 08:47:38 am by Toneman
Ah yes, Capcom's ill fated series that's a take on the Three Kingdoms saga, it's called Tenchi wo Kurau in Japan

I have both of them, the first one on the NES and Famicom part 2

There's a 3rd one on the Super Famicom released in 1995, and IIRC, it plays more like Koei's Genghis Khan than a FF clone.

I also liked the arcade beat em ups that came out of this series too (Dynasty Wars, which also had a PC Engine port) and Warriors of Fate

Instagram: Kokujin804


hey, are you selling them or trading them away??
gundam 4 ever !!!