Want an English translation of the Family BASIC manual?

Started by satoshi_matrix, January 20, 2009, 07:20:37 pm

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would you be willing to donate towards an English translation of the Family BASIC manual?

17 (65.4%)
9 (34.6%)

Total Members Voted: 25


Can someone post scans of the original FB manual and V2 manual?



Ok, that makes it easier.  :)

Please somebody scan that V2 manual.


I might be able to get a friend of mine to lend me his scanner. What format should it be in? jpegs or pdf?




June 22, 2009, 01:03:49 am #51 Last Edit: June 22, 2009, 10:36:25 am by UglyJoe
hello everybody
i received last week the famly basic v2 manual and i'm going to scan it. that will help you to have an idea of how that works , unfortunatly i can't speak japanese so, after the scan , this manual need to be translated.   
tomorrow i will begin by uploading the cover and the 10 first pages 


Great! The manual is totally different from the V3 one, so there might need to be two different translations that need doing...I guess once its scanned, Manuel can hopefully take a look at it and compare the two together.


I hope Florent comes back and really uploads the scans.

BTW, welcome to the boards, Florent.  :)


hello here's the first part (from the cover to page 18)


the next pages are comming soon.

the first pages (in color) have been incorectly scanned (you can't see the top of the page) when i'll upload the second part i'll upload a better scan of color pages.


I'll wait for the better scans then. Thanks for the efforts.


here's the second part of the scan (from the cover to page 40 and better scan of the color pages)


the next pages are comming soon



November 01, 2009, 01:07:26 am #58 Last Edit: November 01, 2009, 01:15:06 am by FLORENT
excuse me but i was very busy and i forget to do the next scans (because now i'm getting very very busy ) but i promise that i'll send new scan tomorrow  or if not next week