WTB: Strange Request: Power Joy III Battery Cover

Started by MS-DOS4, May 18, 2010, 09:05:44 pm

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Hey guys. For years I've been missing the back plate on my Power Joy III. I'd really like to have that plate back, but I can't find it so I want to see if I can buy it.

If you have this famiclone and you never use the battery pack, I'd really appreciate it if you sold me that plate. Thanks.  :)
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I'm actually looking for one of these too, although since my Power Joy isn't working with a power supply I'm not sure it'd do much good. Of course I will defer to MS-DOS4 on first rights to any offers made.


I sell you my power joy with the battery and everything included if you want? har har har if not shoot me a pm offer for battery cover har har har
Retro Gaming Life  www.retrogaminglife.com


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