Looking to sell Famicom Games.

Started by shizzoizzo7, April 30, 2010, 09:19:08 am

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April 30, 2010, 09:19:08 am Last Edit: May 18, 2010, 07:26:09 am by shizzoizzo7
Offhand I only remember a few titles FF3, Dragon Quest 2,3,4, Ninja Gaiden 2, Double Dragon 2, Rockman 3, Majong. I'll update with the rest of the titles when I get home but am open to offers. Thanks




Sorry for the delay with complete listing and I was mistaking it was Rockman 3 not Rockman 2 that I have. Here is my list
Tom Sawyer (in box)
Sherlock Holmes (in box)
Double Dragon II (in box)
After Burner (in box)
Tetris (in box)
Dragon Buster (no box)
Hatris (in box)
Dragon Quest II (in box)
Dragon Quest III (no box, has manual) SOLD
Dragon Quest IV (in box) SOLD

Quarth (no box)
Majong (no box)
Urban Champion (no box)
Fantasy Zone (no box)
Bootleg Super Mario (no box)
Dragonball 3 (in box)
Rockman 3 (in box) SOLD
Manic Mansion (in box)
Akira (in box) SOLD
Final Fantasy III SOLD

Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari (in box)
TwinBee 3: Poko Poko Daimaou (in  box)
Ninja Ryukenden II: Ankoku no Jashinken (in box)

Make an offer on the lot or individual items.

I also have a few Japanese PS games
R Type Delta
Beatmania 2nd Mix SOLD
3-d Kaleidoscope Baby Universe
Puzzle Fighter II Turbo SOLD
Metal Slug X
Final Fantasy VII

Again, make an offer

All Famicom Games http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/7913/gamesl.jpg

Those I can't identify http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/2706/famsl.jpg

PS Games http://img532.imageshack.us/img532/5127/49719204.jpg


Visit My Youtube Channel www.youtube.com/marlondudeful


Regarding the unidentified games, the one on the lower right with the ninja is Ninja Ryukenden II: Ankoku no Jashinken, Ninja Gaiden II in the USA. The one on the lower left looks like TwinBee 3: Poko Poko Daimaou. The one on the upper right with the pink box is Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari, River City Ransom in the USA. I don't know what the one on the upper left is.


Do the 4 you previously hadn't been able to identify have manuals?


Hey yes, they are in box with manual.

Post Merge: May 10, 2010, 05:08:45 pm

So far I have offers on:
Rockman 3 $15
Ninja Ryukenden II $8+ship
Final Fantasy III $10+ship

Any other offers on these games let me know!


"Say, fuzzy pickles." (Earthbound)