Sharp Twin Famicom----Paint Job

Started by punkpolitical, May 31, 2010, 02:17:12 pm

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This is super-awesome man and I love your FC colour scheme!

If  you want, I am willing to trade you a very clean set of original FC controllers for the two on your twin. I need Twin controllers as spares for parts and i am happy to pay the postage each way as well.

As a suggestion, you may want to do the drive face as well, maybe half and half red/white to match the line of the case. You may also want to rewire them with longer cords at the same time...

Also, to anybody interested in doing this kind of work, there are special plastic paints that won.t scratch off. I use SEM brand automotive paints, which bond directly to the plastic and thus don't scratch or flake away.

Let me know if you are willing to trade (or even sell) the original Sharp controllers. Thanks!


(CC'd via PM)