WTB BIC / Codemasters Famicom games

Started by Vash, June 11, 2010, 05:39:30 am

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I want to buy (BIC / Codemasters  Famicom games): Bee 52, Quattro Adventure, Mig 29 Soviet Fighter, Stunt Kids, Fire Dragon and Quattro Arcade (F-16 Renegade, CJ's Elephant Antics, Go! Dizzy Go!, Stunt Buggies). I can pay 20 $/ for each.

1. Bee 52  *BIC* 

2. Quattro Adventure  *BIC*

3. Mig 29 Soviet Fighter  *BIC*

4. Stunt Kids  *BIC*

5. Fire Dragon  *BIC*

6. Quattro Arcade (F-16 Renegade, CJ's Elephant Antics, Go! Dizzy Go!, Stunt Buggies)


Code Master's cartridges are super unusual;
I have a quattro arcade and it includes Boomerang Kid, Super Robinhood, Go! Dizzy Go! and Soccer Simulator.

But, I really love them also... They are so wicked cool.  They also have tons of variants, the Quattro series tend to really vary which makes they unusual.

Profeta Yoshitake

There are lots of them?
Cool, huh?!
I have just an Ultimate Stuntman BIC!
Now Playing: Dragon Ball Fusions, Yggdra Union


August 07, 2010, 10:13:04 am #3 Last Edit: August 07, 2010, 10:33:13 am by limentinus
hello vash, i have Quattro Arcade (F-16 Renegade, CJ's Elephant Antics, Go! Dizzy Go!, Stunt Buggies) i can sell it to $20 , but i am from  Peru and shipping is about $7.
after can put a imagen of the cartridge
but can send me a message to victoriapirronica@hotmail.com

Post Merge: August 07, 2010, 10:33:08 am

Here's what i promised

working, i played all its 4 games

i have too 3 pirates street fighter : master fighters , street fighter 2  and street fighter 60 player ( with 60 fighters  )

I listen to offers

the shipping cost of 3 cartridge is about $14


We can't pay limentinus via PayPal.  ::) He wants payment  via Vigo..


It's really a shame that Codemasters sunk, and a bigger shame that they never had a Nintendo license.

Bee52 is my favourite game by them, and the gameplay and graphics are really top-notch;: Truly a unique concept too. The sprites are well animated, an it feels almost like a SFC game to be honest.

Micro machines was also a brilliant game, but they never seemed to get a good reputation, and after the Alladin died, so did the company. I don't recall if their baseball game was any good, but ZI'll have to revisit it. My favourite is still the original Nintendo 'Baseball', as it has no control issues. Bases Loaded III ...ugh...

I think that the Dizzy games were pretty good as well, although I don't recall what CJ's Elephant Antics is supposed to be about. It sounds hokey, but walking egg in a straw hat is well..just plain weird.

I still have a couple NOS/Sealed copies of Bee52 for the NES from back in 1992/3, and I'm reluctant to part with them. I would like to pick up a complete FC version of it, i case anybody has one with box and manual for sale.



August 08, 2010, 04:15:47 pm #6 Last Edit: August 08, 2010, 04:29:44 pm by limentinus
yes,in peru paypal not receive money, but I have the game you want, you can to buy , I will not deceive you


I can't buy it  ::) i can pay  only via Paypal. Sorry...
