Looking for a few NES pirates.

Started by BigSharkZ, August 22, 2010, 09:55:00 pm

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Hello, a friend of mine said I should come here to request such games, so here I am.  These are the games I am looking for, and I'd like to see if any of you would like to trade them or sell them.

King of Fighters '97
Super Mario 12
Rocman X
Pocket Monsters Red
Final Fantasy 7
Mike Tysons Intergalactic Power Punch
Battle Kid: Fortress of Peril  
Sonic the Hedgehog 5 / Sonic and Knuckles 5
Street Fighter 4
Pokemon Golden
Super Mario 13
Super Mario 14
Dragon Ball Z 5
MC Mario
Jungle Book 2 (Donkey Kong Country)

One more thing. I have a few pirated games myself, and since I cannot find my NES to test these, I would like to know, what games are in Arabian Nights: 1001 in 1 and  31 in 1? 31 in 1 comes with a game converter, so it's a Famicom game, I presume. I also have this odd Famicom Super Mario Bros. cartridge, which is yellow, has the same artwork as the real game, but no text.



There's LOTS of multicarts out there that have an equivalent amount of games in them, but they're not the exact same cartridge. I don't think anyone can tell you what's on your cart only by knowing it's a 31-in-1 cart :P


Well, if it helps, it's a Famicom game with a game converter and a blue ribbon.


I can't find a picture of the other game, altough it's not a Famicom game.

i heart yuna

I know that you can buy Battle Kid: Fortress of Peril over at RetroUSB.com. It's not a pirate, though- it's a homebrew title.

Famicom Club! http://www.famicom.ca


Thanks, but I knew it was on this site (I stumbled upon this page, thinking they were pirate games). Same thing for Mike Tyson's Intergalactic Power Punch. I just wanted to see if anyone would sell them for a lower price, or trade them. If not, I'd buy them from there.


I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on - www.instagram.com/tylerisneat